Louiza Megan

For as long as I can remember, one thing has motivated me beyond all other things: freedom.

Since I was a kid, I wanted the freedom to be myself in the world.

  • To say yes to things I wanted and no to things I didn’t want. 

  • To explore possibilities. 

  • To design a life that brought me excitement and joy and prosperity. 

In many ways, I lived in that place of personal freedom, even when I was young.

I thought like an entrepreneur and created little businesses to make extra money as a kid.

I honed negotiating skills early on. When I was 18, I jumped into personal development work and got a ton of clarity on who I am and what I wanted out of life. I knew that Future Louiza was going to be a coach, and a great one. I traveled all over the world by myself and loved solo traveling — this was where I learned to be 100% tuned into my intuition, to trust my deepest knowing, to see myself as strong and capable in all situations.


But I also had ways in which I felt stuck.


I felt the pressure to make other people happy, to be good and agreeable, even when it made me miserable. When it came to work, I pushed myself relentlessly in my early 20s, driving myself to exhaustion and physical pain.

Having my back go out and being anxious, partially paralyzed, and in debilitating pain was, to put it mildly, a wakeup call. It was obvious that things had to change. Somewhere along the line, I had lost the signal of my intuition. I knew I had to claim the same level of freedom in my professional world as had been claiming in other areas of my life.  

When I made the decision to shift my way of working, here’s what had to happen:

  • I had to have hard conversations with myself, my loved ones, and my clients

  • I had to set rock-solid boundaries out of deep love and respect for myself 

  • I had to raise my rates 

  • I had to be okay with upsetting some folks

  • I had to believe that I could do things in a way that 99% of other people don’t, and that it would still be awesome

I did all these things — and it worked. My life does not look like it did when I was doubled over in pain on the subway. Instead, it looks how I want it to look.